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L. , and McKeown, M. G. 2007. Increasing young lowincome childrens oral vocabulary repertoires through rich and focused instruction. The Elementary School Journal, 1073, 251 271.

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If your parent doesnt need too much care this is a wonderful choice. In my situation with my parents, they needed too much care and this wasnt a good choice for them. Be careful when evaluating an assisted living facility they can have many hidden charges. It is best to get all your potential costs known upfront otherwise your parents or your wallet may be in for one heck of a surprise. Assisted living facilities are not covered under Medicare or Medicaid as far as I know, these is a private pay facilities. Dry skin is the biggest culprit when it comes to skin problems for the elderly. As people age, the skin becomes thinner, and can't retain the same level of moisture, which often leads to dry, flaky skin. Thin, dry skin is also more susceptible to tearing, and easily lets bacteria in, which can lead to infection. The most important thing is to keep skin clean but not to overdo it. Hot water and too frequent showering will actually dry the skin out worse. Warm water and bathing every other day is the recommended method for the elderly.

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